Why Australia is betting big on solar ?

Why Australia is betting big on solar ?

Skyrocketing​ electricity bills ? With every passing month, bills are increasing at incredibly high rates. The amount payable in the given month is higher than the amount payable in the last month. One of the many reasons is that there’s a global shortage in the supply of coal and gas whereas the demand is increasing continuously. The coal and petroleum are among the natural resources. They are exhausting at a much faster pace than the pace at which they are being replenished. So the need for alternative sources of energy is much in demand. Hence, non-conventional and inexhaustible sources of energy are playing heroes.

With the shooting electricity​ bills, every 4th house in Australia is opting for a more stable and cheaper option. They are investing hugely in installing rooftop solar panels. Sun being an unlimited free source of solar energy emits it in a huge amount and putting that energy into the right place is what we call a solar panel. This is the best way to go green and save our planet from the hazardous effects of pollution caused by the usage of coal and other sources. There are other inexhaustible sources of energy like wind energy, tidal energy, etc. but these require a large setup whereas the solar panels​ can be installed on the rooftops of our houses. The advantages of using solar energy are as follows

1. It is way cheaper

Due to rising market competition among solar companies, the price of solar system setup is decreasing rapidly. There are various ways in which solar energy reduces electricity bills, one by directly cutting down from the bills, second by selling the power generated and then getting it reduced from the bills. Also, the amount of producing solar power is much lower than the power generated by using coal. The initial installation might cause you huge bucks but in the long run, it is way cheaper than the coal-generated electricity. So, you can use the extra amount on shopping and many other things, you name it  ;). Besides all these, you are also getting benefits​ from the government as subsidies. The government is helping to install the solar rooftop panels by providing subsidies for the same, thereby encouraging more people to get this system installed on their rooftops. There are various sizes available according to the area of the house. The amount of need of electricity also plays a major role here.

2. Green environment

By using the renewable and inexhaustible form of energy, one automatically switches to a healthier and safer environment by going green. Since Australia receives sunlight throughout​ the year, it is undoubtedly the best place to get solar panels installed. The solar energy reduces the carbon footprint besides reducing the emission of greenhouse gases in a higher amount as the dependency on coal-generated electricity dispensation get low. So, it is the least we can do for our environment. Who doesn’t want a safer and greener environment to live in? We don’t want our future generation to grow up in such an environment, do we? The answer is NO. So one can go green by installing the solar rooftop panels and thereby reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

3. Easy to use

The solar panels are very easy to use and handle. The cleaning also consists of easy methods and instructions. Thus, a person can maintain this hassle-free very easily.  The solar panels are very easily maintained. Solar Energy is an excellent source of a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy. The only drawback includes is when the day is shady and cloudy, but again if you are selling your electricity, the remaining will cost you very less and hence it will be a win-win situation for the installer. J

Solar Energy is the future of electricity generating sources. It is not only free and unlimited but also pure and doesn’t harm our environment in any way. So, it is not just economical​ but the best way to go green !! The best way to reduce the emission of toxic greenhouse gases which cause serious impacts on the environment and health. By installing solar rooftop panels, one takes a giant leap towards​ a healthier and safer environment.

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